Every company has the ability to grow. Gliondar can identify and help achieve profitable growth opportunities without undue risk or financial burden in many areas including:

  • Capturing additional customers in current market(s)
  • Differentiation and Creating Sustainable Competitive Advantages
  • New Product Development
  • New Market Expansion
  • M&A Identification | Negotiation | Integration

A Gliondar enterprise review and resulting detailed strategies and implementation programs will convert the desire to grow to a confident determination to grow. A compelling vision that is understood by all will be a key component of launching the growth initiative.



“In a period of dynamic growth Ken developed a new hire recruitment and training process which transformed new employees into disciples to proliferate the culture of accomplishment that he had created.” 

DH, VP of a Mid-Cap manufacturing company

“In one year under Ken’s sales leadership I learned more about professional sales than I had in my previous sixteen years as a sales person.” 

SO, Regional Sales Manager Specialty Products

“I never had to guess what Ken was thinking, he is consciously transparent and his communication style created an environment of trust that was both challenging and motivating.”

JT, Distribution Executive